There is a built-in economy game. This game is independent between each guild and another guild. The variation is work or task which we will need to add manually. This built-in game is not available in every guild since it needs customization. If you need in your guild, you can approach us.
This game is a time killer. Do not expect anything besides wasting time.
- Command economy info (alias eco info): see a basic information. Use eco info @mention to see other player’s information.
- Command economy work (alias eco work): a player can gain various reward or health from a task they pick and they will spend their cryptocurrency balance in Discord TipBot or will earn in cryptocurrency.
- Command economy farm (alias eco farm): check their own farm other player’s farm by mentioning them. A player need to buy a farm and plant crops. They can plant crop(s) by a command eco plant crop_name. And they can harvest them by using a command eco harvest. After that, they can also sell them for credit using command eco sell cherry (example).
- Command economy dairy (alias eco dairy): check their own dairy cattle or other player’s by mentioning them. They need to buy a dairy cattle and buy chicken. They can collect eggs from time to time (using command eco collect egg) and they can also sell egg afterward for credit (eco sell egg).
- Command economy egg (alias eco egg): check their chicken farm for eggs.
- Command economy buy (alias eco buy): list all items they can buy. Or using command eco buy itemname to buy it.
- Command economy fishing (alias eco fishing): fishing and they can get fishes based on their luck and fishing experience. They can sell them for credit if they have more than 50kg of any of them (using command eco sell fish_name). Each fishing, they will lose one bait. They can buy baits by using a command eco buy bait. In additional, they can buy a boat for 10x fishing per command.
- Command economy sell (alias eco sell): They can sell fish, farmed fruits or vegetables, milk, egg for credit.
- Command economy eat (alias eco eat): player needs to eat to recover their energy.
- Command economy search (alias eco search): search for random and if a player is lucky enough.
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